Behind My Mind (Za mou myslí, 1971)

creepy-bad-album-cover-arts-2Jane Vincent. „A Humanistic Audio-Text“.

Natočeno 1971. Vydal Audio-Text Recording v roce 1971 (1 LP). Ukázka k poslechu zde.

Obsah: A1 Journey of Inquiry  – A2 The Task Of Psychotherapy – A3 Game Playing – A4  What Would People Say -  A5 I Care For You – B1 When You March To The Drummer – B2 This Is Me Feeling – B3 Tabula Rosa -
B4  The Truth Shall Make Ye Free.

Pozn.:  „WHAT WOULD PEOPLE SAY IF I LET THEM SEE THE REAL ME?  What counts with you? What is really meaningful in life? How does one survive in the world today?

Dick Meyer’s voice came loud and clear over the long distance lines in Texas. He and his students at Texas Lutheran College asked me to share in the Guest Lecture inquiry on ‚what is meaningful in life? Questions. Questions called for answers. Other I rejoiced. She enjoyed answering questions. I was scared. She knew there were no answers to really important questions.

Resolving inner conflicts between the Real I and the Other I, the I we show to others, is the text of the experience related for you here. After years as a teacher, counselor, psychotherapist, mother and person I have learned there are some things which are more important than others to human survival. These include psychological safety (we all trade everything else for that); or communication (both within yourself and between you and others); or freedom (learning to listen to your own drummer, that still small voice within you which leads you to your good). These are what life is all about. Life is psychological freedom, truth, love, experiencing, sharing, growing, and ‚stretching‘ until you are actualizing your potential. That’s what ecstasy is, being the best that you can be. Despair is knowing you are so much less that you can be. The answer to despair, depression, dissatisfaction, dealing with the unknowing and unknowable and impossible people around you lies behind your mind, in your feelings, in your awareness of who and what you are.

The search for your Ultimate Self is a highly personal thing, like finding out what is meaningful is highly personal. It begins within your inner consciousness, within the silence of your self, the quiet of the world within. Because within each of us lies the Ultimate Potential, the Divine intelligence, the Truth, the Life, that is ours if we but take the time, alone, to find ourselves, face ourselves and thus face Life itself. In the facing is the finding or yourself and then the finding of me. We have only ourselves and each other; it may not be much but that’s all there is. It may turn out to be a lot when you go behind YOUR mind. In the interests of learning, living, and loving I take you BEHIND MY MIND.

This is a humanistic Audio-Text, designed to provide an experience in self-awareness not always possible through the printed page. It happens most often through talking together about those things that count. Since you are there and I am here, listening to me may help you listen to you.“

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