Planet Money – Keynes Vs. Hayek (Planeta Peníze – Keynes proti Hayekovi, 2011)

Hovoří Nicholas Wapshott, autor knihy Keynes Hayek: The Clash That Defined Modern Economics.

Natočeno 2011. Premiéra 28. 10. 2011 (NPR, 28 min.) v cyklu Friday Podcast.

Lit.: anonym: Keynes Vs. Hayek.  Planet Money. In web NPR, 28. 10. 2011 (anotace + nahrávka k poslechu). – Cit.:  On today’s show, we hear the story of a steel-cage match between two economists. The fight has been going on for most of a century now, and it’s never been more relevant: Keynes versus Hayek.

It’s a Deep Read interview with Nicholas Wapshott, the author of the new book Keynes Hayek: The Clash That Defined Modern Economics. (…)

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