The Prince (Vladař, 2013)
Niccolo Machiavelli. Rozhlasová dramatizace Jonathan Myerson. Produkce a režie Clive Brill.
Osoby a obsazení: Machiavelli (Damian Lewis), soudce (Nigel Cooke), žaloba (Christian Rodska), obhajoba (Helen McCrory), úředník (Meera Syal), Cesare Borgia (Joseph Kloska), Plato (Joseph Kloska), obžalovaný (Joseph Kloska), Kerensky (Theo Fraser Steele), Bertrand Russell (Theo Fraser Steele).
Natočeno 2013. Premiéra 25. 5. 2013 (BBC Radio 4, 14:30 h.; 60 min.). Repríza 23. 3. 2014 (BBC Radio 4, 15:00 h.).
Lit.: anonym: The Prince. In web BBC Radio 4, březen 2014 (anotace) – Cit.: Five hundred years after writing his most provocative political tract, Niccolo Machiavelli appears before an infernal court to appeal against the harsh treatment his works have received over time.
Rather than being seen as a description of political cynicism and opportunism, he argues that „Machiavellian“ should be a compliment and The Prince has in fact been an infallible guidebook followed closely by all successful leaders.
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