Evidence 111 (Důkaz 111, 2022)

Originální česká audiohra. Připravili Tomáš Oramus, Michal Zátopek  a Jaroslav Wagner.

Vyrobil PlayByEars s.r.o. v roce 2022. Webová premiéra 15. 11. 2022. Ukázka k poslechu na YouTube.

Pozn.: Anglická verze audiohry z roku 2020.

Close your eyes and let yourself be immersed in mysterious audio sceneries of this detective fiction. September 13, 1985, a small town of Farnham, England. Just like every Friday, Chief inspector Alice Wells is on duty. An ordinary night shift is suddenly interrupted by a mysterious phone call – an anonymous caller knows something about the chief inspector that none was supposed to find out. What is the secret of the long-forgotten file containing Evidence No. 111? Decide on the progression and outcome of the detective story! Indulge yourselves in outstanding voice acting performances by Zoë Robins, Rosamund Pike or Mike Bodie and experience Alice’s story in immersive 3D audio. (anotace)

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