Elephants Can Remember (Sloni mají paměť, 2005)

Agatha  Christie. Dramatizace Michael Bakewell. Režie Enyd Williams.

Osoby a obsazení: Hercule Poirot (John Moffatt), Ariadne Oliver (Julia McKenzie), šéfkomisař  Garroway (Trevor Cuthbertson), Celia (Rachel Bavidge), Desmond (Ifan Meredith), paní Burton Coxová (Paula Jacobs), Julia (Jane Wenham), Nanny (Barbara Atkinson), paní Buckleová (Elizabeth Proud), paní Rosentelleová (Jill Balcon), Zelie (Alexandra Bastedo), pan Goby (Stephen Thorne), George (Patrick Garland).

Nastudoval BBC v roce 2005. Premiéra 7. 1. 2006 (BBC Radio 4). Repríza 21. 2. 2009 (BBC 7, 90 min.).

Pozn.: ‘Did your god-daughter’s mother kill her father, or was it the other way round?‘ Mrs Burton Cox asks Ariadne Oliver at a literary luncheon. Was it a suicide pact or a double murder? Ariadne enlists the help of Hercule Poirot to find the answer. But who was the mysterious woman who fell to her death – and why is it so important that they solve they mystery now?

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