Waiting For The Boatman (Čekání na převozníka, 2012)
Stephen Wakelam. Produkce a režie Sasha Yevtushenko.
Osoby a obsazení: Minniti (David Tennant), Piero (Anton Lesser), Abraham Vinck (Peter Hamilton Dyer), Cecco (Joe Dempsie) a markýza di Colonna (Tracy Wiles).
Nastudovalo BBC v roce 2012. Premiéra 16. 3. 2012 (BBC Radio 4, 14:15 – 15:00 h.).
Pozn.: The infamous painter Caravaggio is missing. Mario Minniti, his former apprentice, arrives in Naples to retrace his last known movements.
Naples is a dangerous place in 1610. Following a violent attack on the street, the renowned painter and hell-raiser Caravaggio has gone missing. His former apprentice arrives in the city and attempts to retrace the painter’s last known movements, but his search leads to uncompromising discoveries.
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