Sorry Wrong Number (Promiňte, omyl, 1948)

Lucille Fletcher. Střih, produkce a režie William Spier.

Osoby a obsazení: paní Stevensonová (Agnes Mooreheadová).

Natočeno 1948. Vydala Decca v roce 1948 (šelaková deska, DL 6022). K poslechu na YouTube.

Pozn.: The version presented here is one of several „encore“ broadcasts (but still performed live) SWN was done a total of seven times, and each broadcast starred Agnes Moorehead. This one is from 1948 as Suspense wanted to cash in on the publicity from the movie’s release (…) I chose this particular one to present because out of the 7 productions this has the best sound quality and the overall production of this version is smooth. Also (it case you never heard about it) the actual very first broadcast in 1943 contains a huge blunder! At a very critical time at the end of the story, an actor spoke too soon. Plus, to make it worse he repeated the same line over again! Now remember that these were all LIVE BROADCASTS at the time. The next week the announcer on Suspense had to explain what happened to a confused audience, and they promised to do the show again. The first „do-over“ was aired in August of 1943 so then finally, broadcast history was made!

This presentation is a digitally remastered version of the November 18, 1948 broadcast, plus there’s no commercial breaks. The last one was in 1960 . . . That version was hacked down to only 22 minutes because of the commercials.

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