U starej Freddie (U staré Freddie, 2004)

Penelope Fitzgeraldová. Četba výběru z románu. Překlad Silvia Červenčíková. Zvuk Peter Krajčovič. Hudební redakce Alexander Berta. Redakce Ivana Jachymová. Režie Lucia Tarbajovská.

Účinkuje Eva Stražanová.

Nastudoval SRo Košice v roce 2004 (30 min.).

Pozn.: Britská prozaička Penelope Fitzgeraldová byla dcerou redaktora humoristického listu Punch a neteří teologa a autora detektivek, známého pátera Knoxe. Penelope vydala první knížku až ve svých 56 letech, poté ovšem až do své smrti v roce 2000 publikovala pět velkých románů a povídkovou sbírku. V roce 1979 získala Bookerovu cenu, prestižní ocenění pro literární dílo, jehož autor pochází ze zemí Britského společenství nebo z Irské republiky.
Žádná z velkých próz Penelope Fitzgeraldové nebyla přeložena do češtiny, pro Český rozhlas přeložila Věra Voglová povídku Právník z Hiruhamary, která byla vysílána 1. 3. 2007 na ČRo 2 Praha.

Fitzgerald’s novel takes place at a school for child actors in London run by an ageless, mysterious, compelling woman named Freddie Wentworth.
It is the 1960s, in London’s West End and Freddie is the formidable female proprietress of the Temple Stage School. Her story, and the story of her stage school, is a unique and hilarious insight into the theatrical world.

Fitzgerald’s novel takes place at a school for child actors in London run by an ageless, mysterious, compelling woman named Freddie Wentworth.

„Freddie’s“ is the familiar name of the Temple Stage School, which supplies London’s West End theaters with child actors for everything from Shakespeare to musicals to the Christmas pantomime. Its proprietress, Freddie Wentworth, is a formidable woman of unknown age and murky background who brings anyone she encounters under her spell — so common an occurrence that it is known as „being Freddied.“ At her school, we meet dour Pierce, a teacher hopelessly smitten with enchanting Hannah; Jonathan, a child actor of great promise, and his slick rival Mattie; and Joey Blatt, who has wicked plans to rescue Freddie’s from insolvency. Up to its surprising conclusion, At Freddie’s is thoroughly beguiling.
Fitzgerald writes a story about the formidable proprietress of „Freddie’s, “ the Temple Stage School, which provides child actors for London’s West End theaters, a promising child actor and his rival, and a man with wicked plans to rescue Freddie’s from insolvency.

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