Brave New World (Krásný nový svět, 1991)

Aldous Huxley. Dramatizace Stephen Mulrine. Hudba Wilfredo Acosta. Produkce Marilyn Imrie.

Obsazení: Gary Cady (The Savage), Jack Klaff (Mustapha Mond), Moir Leslie (Lenina Crowne), Jonathan Tafler (Bernard Marx), Frances de la Tour (Linda), Sean Pertwee (Helmholtz Watson), Hugh Dickson (Director of Hatcheries), Nigel Carrington (Henry Foster), Jane Whittenshaw (Fanny Crowne), Susan Sheridan (President of Worship), Andrew Wincott (Benito Hoover), Petra Markham (Headmistress of Eton), Timothy Carlton (Archsongster of Canterbury), Mark Straker (Primo Mellon), Joanna Myers (Nurse), Richard Pearce (Boy), Walter Acosta (Spanish Guide).

Natočeno 1991. Premiéra 26. srpna 1991 na BBC Radio 4.

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