It’s Too Late Now (Teď už je pozdě, 2005)
Brian Sibley. Rozhlasová hra k 50 výročí smrti A. A. Milneho (31. 1. 1956).Režie John Tydeman.
Osoby a obsazení: Milne (Alec McCowan), mladší Milne (Jasper Briton), Daphne (Emma Gregory), Kryštůfek Robin (Thomas Helme), Rose (Maggie McCarthy).
Natočeno 2005. Premiéra 6. 1. 2006 (BBC Radio 4) v cyklu Afternoon Play.
Pozn.: Recovering from a stroke the year before his death, A.A. Milne reflects on his life. A play by to mark the 50th anniversary of the death of A.A Milne on the 31st January 1956. Best known as the creator of Winnie-the-Pooh, Milne would have preferred to have been remembered as a dramatist or essayist, rather than an author who wrote for children alone. Milne is recovering from a stroke the year before his death. Through his memories we are taken back to his early life, his marriage, the childhood of his son, Christopher Robin Milne, and we explore his hopes and ambitions, failures and successes. Needless to say, there are some un-whimsical interpolations and interruptions by Pooh, Rabbit and his friends, as well as both the imagined Christopher Robin and the real-life model.
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