The Lord of the Rings 1/? (Pán prstenů, 1979, 2001)

J. R. R. Tolkien. Scénář Bernard Mayes. Produkce The Mind´s Eye. Lord of the Rings  Original American Dramatization

Osoby a obsazení: Bilbo Pytlík / další hlasy (Ray Reinhardt), Frodo Pytlík / Saruman (James Arrington), Smíšek / král elfů / Roäc, král havranů / další hlasy (Pat Franklyn), Pippin / další hlasy (Mac McCaddon), Samvěd Křepelka (Lou Bliss), Gandalf / Tom Bombadil (Bernard Myers), Gimli / Glum / vypravěč (Gail Chugg), Aragorn / Denethor / Thorin / další hlasy (Tom Luce), Boromir / Théoden / Šmak / Bard / další hlasy (Erik Bauersfeld), Legolas / Gríma Červivec / Ústa Sauronova / další hlasy (John Vickery), Goblin / Beorn (Karen Hurley), Divous / další hlasy (Bob Lewis), Éomer / další hlasy (Matthew Locricchio).

Natočeno 1979. Počet dílů není znám. Vydal Highbridge Audio v roce 2001 (celkový čas přes 11 hodin).

Pozn.: In 1979 the US National Public Radio broadcast a radio dramatisation of J. R. R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings. It was produced by The Mind’s Eye and has since been made available by several different companies.

It is sometimes confused with the later BBC production in 1981, but is distinguished by the fact that the most widely circulated US edition comes in a wooden box, whether on compact discs or cassette tapes. Because the Mind’s Eye cast recorded their tracks separately (unlike the BBC production which, like most British radio serials, assembled the cast to record their dialogue together) this adaptation is often criticised as being inferior to the BBC version in areas such as pronunciation and voice types.

The radio script, written by Bernard Mayes, was an abridged version of the book, and emphasised dialogue over description. The broadcasts totalled more than 11 hours. The budget was small and production time was limited. The cast were local theatre players, and the effects were homemade. The script is notable for including the Tom Bombadil scenes, unlike most other adaptations of the book.

Radio drama was a rarity in the United States at that time, and this production was popular at the time of its broadcast. It was later overshadowed by the BBC radio dramatisation.

The Mind’s Eye adaptation has also been identified with Soundelux, and, most recently, with Highbridge. The name changes correspond to the companies which owned the rights at different times.



The Fellowship Of The Ring [Disc 1]
A Long-Expected Party
The Shadow of the Past
Three Is Company
A Short Cut to Mushrooms
A Conspiracy Unmasked
The Old Forest
In the House of Tom Bombadil

The Fellowship Of The Ring [Disc 2]
Fog on the Barrow-Downs
At the Sign of the Prancing Pony
A Knife in the Dark
Flight to the Ford
Many Meetings
The Council of Elrond

The Fellowship Of The Ring [Disc 3]
The Council of Elrond (cont.)
The Ring Goes South
A Journey in the Dark
The Bridge of Khazad-dûm
The Mirror of Galadriel
Farewell to Lórien and The Great River
The Breaking of the Fellowship

The Two Towers [Disc 4]
The Departure of Boromir
The Riders of Rohan
The Uruk-hai
The White Rider
The King of the Golden Hall

The Two Towers [Disc 5]
The King of the Golden Hall (cont.)
Helm’s Deep
The Road to Isengard
Flotsam and Jetsam
The Voice of Saruman
The Palantir
The Taming of Sméagol

The Two Towers [Disc 6]
The Taming of Sméagol (cont.)
The Passage of the Marshes
The Black Gate is Closed
Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit
The Window on the West
The Forbidden Pool
Journey to the Cross-roads
The Stairs of Cirith Ungol
Shelob’s Lair
The Choices of Master Samwise

The Return Of The King [Disc 7]
Minas Tirith
The Passing of the Grey Company
The Muster of Rohan
The Siege of Gondor
The Ride of the Rohirrim
The Battle of the Pelennor Fields

The Return Of The King [Disc 8]
The Pyre of Denethor
The Houses of Healing
The Last Debate
The Black Gate Opens
The Tower of Cirith Ungol and The Land of Shadow
Mount Doom

The Return Of The King [Disc 9]
Mount Doom (cont.)
The Field of Cormallen
The Steward and the King
Many Partings
Homeward Bound
The Scouring of the Shire and The Grey Havens

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