Radicalized #65 The New Capture & Psychocults with Alex Alvarova and Josef Holy (Radikalizovaní #65 Nové úlovky & psychokulty s Alex Alvarovou a Josefem Holým, 2023)

Připravili a hovoří Heidi Cuda, Jim Stewartson, High Fidelity, and Sean Conner.

Speciální hosté: Josef Holý a Alex Alvarová.

Natočeno 2023. Webová premiéra 18. 4. 2023 (YouTube, 91 min.).

Lit.: anonym: The New Capture & Psychocults with Alex Alvarova and Josef Holy. In YouTube, 18. 4. 2023 (článek + nahrávka k poslechu). – Cit.: Radicalized: Truth Survives, an investigative podcast on disinformation and radicalization with Heidi Cuda, Jim Stewartson, High Fidelity, and Sean Conner. Special Guest: Alex Alvarova & Josef Holy (…).

🇨🇿 www.kanarci.online 🇺🇸 www.canaries.live @kanarcivsiti

The only podcast in the Czech republic focusing on the topics of digital propaganda – methods, context, digital environment and political background.

The Podcast

We help decision makers in the Czech republic to understand important topics ranging from privacy, ethical AI, information platforms algorithms, governance, regulation, behavioural manipulation, disinformation and hybrid influence in the CEE region and worldwide.

We watch the latest developments in the above mentioned areas and keep our audience up to date, bridging the gap between the old and the new paradigms of the information economy.
We are not afraid of making strong value-oriented statements aligned with principles of liberal democracy.

The Hosts

Alexandra Alvarová
@alexalvarova on twitter, political marketing expert, author, public speaker
Since the 90s, Alex has worked in communications, political marketing and election-campaign management both in the Czech republic and in the European Parliament.

Before moving to Canada in 2016, Alex gained recognition as an author of numerous essays and commentaries on current events, media theory, and foreign policy issues.

Alex is the author of books “The Industry of Lies” (2017) about Russian hybrid doctrine and “Feeding the Demons” (2020) about Cambridge Analytica, Russians, Bannon and Trump.

Josef Holý

@holyj on twitter, Technologist and entrepreneur, human-centric innovation expert Josef has gained professional experience in a wide variety of environments – from startups to corporations including Sun Microsystems, MSD, Semantic Visions or Avast.

Since 2015, Josef has been focusing on the topics of ethical Artificial Intelligence which has eventually brought his focus to the domain of online information platforms, their algorithms and behavioural manipulation.

As a public speaker Josef has appeared in a number of local as well as international conferences, including TEDx, Czech Parliament and others.

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