Mungo. It’s About Time (Mungo. Už je čas, 2016)

Jane Ulman. Dokument.

Připravilo ABC Radio v roce 2016. Premiéra 17. 12. 2016 (ABC Radio, 18:05 h). Ke stažení zde.

Pozn.: Nominace na Prix Marulić 2016.

Lit.: anonym: It’s about time: the return of Mungo Man. In web ABC Net, prosinec 2016 (článek + nahrávka ke stažení). – Cit.:  Three birds in the blue Image: Three birds in the blue sky at the lunette of Lake Mungo in south-western New South Wales. The oldest humans found on the continent were not excavated – they came back through natural erosion to tell their story.

Mungo Man – his hands folded reverently in complex burial rites involving the use of ochre at Lake Mungo in south-western New South Wales – revealed himself in 1974.

Unlike hundreds of Aboriginal human remains temporarily housed at the National Museum in Canberra, many of which are unidentified, we know precisely where Mungo Man came from.

So why has it taken so long for this ancestor to be repatriated to his country?

Producer, Jane Ulman travels with her son Tom and his partner Alix to what many consider to be one of the most incredible places on earth: the eroded dry lake and its crescent-shaped, striated shore where Mungo Man was interred 42,000 years ago.
Tanya’s tour to the dunes of Lake Mungo Image: A tour group climbs to the top of the dunes at Lake Mungo where Mungo Man revealed himself in 1974. (photography by Tom Ulman)

The song Mungo Man and Mungo Lady was written and performed by Ernie Mitchell, Paakantji man and Mungo Discovery Ranger.

With thanks to Ros Bandt who gave permission to include sections of her composition Mungo, a recording which includes sounds of aeolian harps set up on the ‘Walls of China’ at Lake Mungo.

And thanks to Lara van Raay from ABC Open for permission to use extracts from her video Tanya Charles is Caring for Country.

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