Found At Sea (Nalezeno na moři, 2014)
Andrew Greig. Sound design Lee McPhail. Režie Marilyn Imrie. Produkce Gordon Kennedy.
Osoby a obsazení: vypravěč (Andrew Greig), Skip (Lewis Howden), Crew (Tam Dean Burn), hudebník (Rachel Newton).
Natočeno 2014. Premiéra 28. 12. 2014 (BBC Radio 4, 16:30 h.). Repríza 3. 1. 2015 (BBC Radio 4, 23:30 h.).
Pozn.: Andrew Greig recounts, in poetic sequence, the tale of his open dinghy voyage from Stromness in Scapa Flow to the remote island of Cava.Written in six weeks, Found at Sea is a ‚very wee epic’, (Andrew’s words) about sailing, male friendship and a voyage to find a way through the rest of life by recalling the lives they’ve lived before.
„Found At Sea“ was originally performed at the Traverse in Aug 2012, directed by David Grieg, and an expanded version, also directed by David Grieg, with Tam Dean Burn as ‚Crew‘ and Lewis Howden as ‚Skip’, ran at the Traverse from 19th-23rd Feb 2013. (anotace)
Lit.: anonym: Found At Sea. In web BBC Radio 4, b. d. (anotace). – Cit.: Andrew Greig recounts, in poetic sequence, the tale of his open dinghy voyage from Stromness in Scapa Flow to an overnight stay on Cava island.
In a small boat in open waters, he found a new element to live in and a new metaphor for life. He captures it in a poetry sequence of moving simplicity,“in the middle of life, halfway over, we pitch on a gurly sea.“
Written in six weeks, Found at Sea is a ‚very wee epic’, as Andrew calls it himself, about sailing, male friendship and a voyage to find a way through the rest of life by recalling the lives they’ve lived before.
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