Life Lines 1/5 (Záchranka, 2016)

Al Smith. Rozhlasový seriál. Režie Sally Avens.

Osoby a obsazení: Carrie (Sarah Ridgeway), Destiny (Clare Perkins), Dave (Nick Underwood), Margaret (Elizabeth Bennett), Chris (Tom Forrister), Connor (Lloyd Hutchinson), dr. Farnsworth (James Lailey), Ben (Joe Sims), Will (Nick Underwood), Ian (Michael Jibson) a další.

Natočeno 2016. Premiéra 1. dílu 11. 7. 2016 (BBC Radio 4, 10:45 h.). Repríza 1. dílu 11. 7. 2016 (BBC Radio 4, 19:45 h.).  K poslechu zde.

Pozn.: Carrie is an ambulance call handler. She never knows what the next emergency will be or the effect it might have on her.
And today a man is intent on taking his own life. (anotace)

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