A Kind Of Loving 1/10 (Jak milovat, 2010)

Stan Barstow. Rozhlasová dramatizace Diana Griffiths. Produkce Pauline Harris.

Účinkují Lee Ingleby, Rebecca Callard, Kate Layden, Fine Time Fontayne, Stephen Hoyle, Jake Norton, Seamus O’Neill, Deborah McAndrew a Conrad Nelson.

Natočeno 2010. Premiéra červenec 2010.

Pozn.:  A fiftieth anniversary remake of Stan Barstow’s classic. It’s set in fifties Yorkshire, published in 1960. An humorous and poignant account of 20-year-old Vic Brown’s infatuation  with Woman’s hour serial, 10 episodes. July 2010. (anotace)

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