The Gin Craze (Ginové šílenství, 2016)

Připravil Simon Tillotson. Diskuse o ginovém šílenství v Británii v polovině 18. století a pokusy získat nad ním kontrolu.

Hovoří výzkumná pracovnice v oboru historie (Victoria and Albert Museum a University of Sheffield) Angela McShane, profesorka literatury 18. století (Royal Holloway, University of London) Judith Hawley, docentka Emma Major (University of York).

Natočeno 2016. Premiéra 22. 12. 2016 (BBC Radio 4, 21:30 h.)

Lit.: anonym: The Gin Craze. In web BBC, prosinec 2016 (anotace). – Cit.: Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss the craze for gin in Britain in the mid 18th Century and the attempts to control it. With the arrival of William of Orange, it became an act of loyalty to drink Protestant, Dutch gin rather than Catholic brandy, and changes in tariffs made everyday beer less affordable. Within a short time, production increased and large sections of the population that had rarely or never drunk spirits before were consuming two pints of gin a week. As Hogarth indicated in his print ‚Beer Street and Gin Lane‘ (1751) in support of the Gin Act, the damage was severe, and addiction to gin was blamed for much of the crime in cities such as London.

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